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Rum River Writing Group In-Person

Are you a writer? Are you looking for a writing community? Are you curious about writing but don't know where to start? Start at the library with the Rum River Writing Group!

Anyone 16 and older may drop in to join us the second Saturday of each month from 1pm to 3pm. The 1 o'clock hour is librarian-facilitated discussion including writing concept and/or genre exploration, as well as the opportunity for prompt writing exercises. The 2 o'clock hour is group member-led discussion and/or writing critiques. Attend either hour or both.

Want to get connected with other library resources and opportunities for local writers? Check out our Local Author Resources and consider signing up for the Library's author email list. 

Anoka County Library strives to ensure that all visitors are able to access library resources, services, and programs. Assistive technology and program accommodations are available at many library locations as outlined here. Please call the library branch hosting the program at least two weeks prior to an event if there are additional accommodations we can provide for you to fully participate.

Saturday, April 12, 2025 Show more dates
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Rum River Meeting Room A & B
Rum River Library
  Adult     Teen  

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